What I'm Reading
- Bill Bryson, Notes From a Small Island (print): Now I get why he's so popular. He's a good writer!
- T.H. White, The Once and Future King (Kindle): Reading this at the same time as my daughter, who has to read it as summer homework before high school. It's enough to turn someone off books.
- Zygmunt Miłoszewski, Rage (Kindle): I seem to have gotten this for free as a Kindle First selection and I'm glad I did. Great writing. Enthralling plot. I'll be buying the other books in the series.
- J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (audio): I've never been much of an audiobook person, but I'm enjoying reliving the series aurally.
What I'm Watching
- Gone Girl: A good adaptation of the book.
- The Gilmore Girls, episode 7.8: [SPOILERS] This show is driving me crazy. At least half of it is about Lorelai's relationships and now she up and marries Christopher in Paris and they decide to not even show us? And we're supposed to be happy with her selection? I would have been years ago perhaps, but not now. Not now. And apparently we're still supposed to think Rory is super gifted and super responsible even after she steals a boat and drops out of Yale. But that's all forgiven now because she's back to being super Rory, the poor little not really rich girl who has not one but two familial sources who want to pay for her education so bad they practically fight each other for it—not to mention a rich boyfriend to live with so she doesn't have to pay rent. So, so much in this show is maddeningly unrealistic, and so many of the characters annoy the hell out of me (looking at you, Sookie St. James), and yet I can't stop watching it.
- The Bachelorette: [SPOILERS] Jojo ditched Luke for no good reason and is now deciding between Robbie and Jordan.
What I'm Playing
- slither.io: My highest score to date is 37,749.
Posted by Debra Hamel
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